Monday, January 11, 2010

Wait, I thought I was done with this part?

So for the entire month of December, I think I mentioned I was completely nauseous. I actually lost 3 pounds from eating crackers and ginger ale for 5 weeks. Trust me, I'm not bragging. I love food like I love to breath air. It was so frustrating. I felt like if I was gonna feel queasy at least get it over with and barf so I can eat. But no. Never, ok maybe once. But just once and no relief! So, last week when all the sudden my stomach growled a monster of all growls and magical cravings for real solid non processed foods start swirling in my foggy head, I was elated! FINALLY! Yesssssss..... Suddenly the thought of grocery shopping wasn't so awful again. I wouldn't have to plug my nose through the meat and bakery section, I could actually pick out food besides crackers and milk. Life is lookin' good. I even started getting a little energy back, probably because I was getting some real nutrition, and not just from those horse pill prenatals too.

So last night after an easy trip to the store, I went to make our favorite weight watchers friendly pizza. You know the one.. I blogged about it last year. Well as I'm preparing it.. I start to think hmm... gosh this just does not sound good tonight.. Ah well, already making it. Then, when I'm cutting it up to put it on plates I'm thinkin man.. I just really do not want this. Again, ah well, suck it up. I plop down next to Josh, take one bite, and my nose just instantly turns. BLEH.. what is this and where did our favorite pizza go?!?! Feeling like I was over reacting, I ate one piece, but it was a very strong effort, and I immediately regretted it. I spent the next 5 hours praying for the stomach Gods to just get this pizza out of my system. I began that awful salivating (another one of those things no one tells you about) where my mouth filled endlessly with spit.. its really truly awful and I do feel partially bad telling you about it because its gross, but I'm the one who had to deal with it, so get over it. ;) This went on thru most of the night, and when my alarm went off, I sat up.. kinda laughed, said ya right, and went right back to my pillow. As I'm laying there moaning and complaining (my new favorite past time) it pops into my head that I've read time and time again, don't be fooled... just when you think morning sickness has passed, BAM it comes back with a vengeance!

I pat myself on the back that I lasted this long without having to take a day off of work. One day isn't going to kill anyone!!

On a less gripy note... another weird sensation going on, is the feeling of my insides stretching. Take a sheet, towel, something like that, and pull it tight, like they do on the paper towel commercials... and it feels like thats happening inside my stomach. All kinds of stretching and pulling. It doesn't hurt necessarily, but I'm definitely aware of it!

So now I'm going to go curl up under my favorite blanket, snuggle with Rufus and wait for Josh to come home. :)

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