Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shy? My Child? BAH!

So today was the big day, our appointment with the doctor where we might find out the gender of the baby. No matter how many times I mentally tried to prepare myself for that big might up there, I knew I'd be disappointed if we didn't find out what Teddy is. I'm only 15 weeks along and while you can see as early as 15 weeks (earlier if you decide to do the 1st trimester screening) generally you find out from 18-22 weeks. Josh and I eagerly strained our eyes on the sonogram machine as our doctor diligently moved the gadget around trying her best to find some proof one way or another. Finally Teddy cooperated and turned upside down (giving us a view as if you were looking up from a toilet, LOL thats the visual the doc gave so you can suffer through that one with us). Josh and I both held our breath, there was DEFINITELY something between the legs! But alas a millisecond later Teddy moved and there was just no way to confirm if it was the umbilical cord or not. BUMMER!!!!

So the doc gave us a referral slip to an u/s technician that we needed to see anyway to perform a complete u/s to scan for down syndrome, abnormalities, etc. They also confirm the gender. We hopped into the car (and after calling Pattie and Lizzie) I called to schedule the next appt possible. March 2nd. Are you kidding me?!! We have to wait a month!?!?!

Josh and I trudged into work. In my 'open book' way of life, I of course immediately posted on facebook that we didn't find out. My dear friend Jenee (who I remember telling me found out the gender of her babies at 15 weeks) suggested finding a independent ultrasound office we could go to, to do what they call a gender check. Ya and how much does that cost? Well, not anywhere as much as you, or I thought!! Within minutes Josh and I had talked ourselves into this idea and began searching. So we decided since Kali was so upset she wouldn't be able to go with us to today's appointment to try to schedule it on a weekend. So! We are going this Saturday at 2:30! I can't wait!!!!

Just to give you a neat comparison, the first u/s picture is of Teddy back on January 7th. The next one is from today. No wonder I keep feeling growing pains in my belly!!

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