Monday, March 8, 2010

You can have your trip to Belize! I have a paper heart worth more.

So my stomach is growing. I embrace it, it's growth signals that Teddy is growing, he's healthy, he's developing, he's going to be here! I follow message boards for women who are having babies in July as well. It's neat because its a bunch of people going through the same things as me, at the same time. I've heard several of them talk about how gross their bodies feel and how hard of a time they are having dealing with the changes. I can definitely relate, it's insane how different my body feels, and its admittedly a little hard to watch the number on the scale creep up and remind yourself that this is what's supposed to be happening right now. But my experiences haven't been negative, the bigger picture of why it's changing makes it so worth it!

Well, then this morning happened.

It's a pretty obvious statement that if your tummy grows, your clothes get tight. My pants wouldn't button, so I got bellybands, perfect fix! But now, my shirts are starting to not fit. So this morning after 3 shirts came on and got peeled off.. I was frustrated. Taking twenty minutes to decide on a top set me back and now we were running late. Of course this is the morning that the cats decided to sleep on my black jacket last night and Rufus decided to rub up against me right after I put my black pants on. I made my way out of the bedroom pausing at my make up bag, but ditched it realizing we had no time. As we backed out of the driveway I looked down and sighed, I was covered in hair. We got to work, Josh had to jam so he took off while I went through 5, yes 5 sheets on the lint roller. I looked down and decided it would have to be good enough!!

We went and played after the girls left yesterday, so we ditched our normal routine of grocery shopping on Sunday afternoons. The result, no breakfast .. oops. So I stopped at the work cafeteria on my way to my desk. I barrel through the door in my shirt that doesn't quite fit, my pants and jacket that still are covered in hair, my lap top bag and purse threatening to slide off my shoulder at any moment, self conscious that I have no make up on... and my eyes can't help but see the gorgeous woman who is at the omelet bar. She was tan, had boots that all season I've wanted so bad but never could afford, and the prettiest "I just bought this just because I'm perfect and spring is coming" dress on. My eyes scammed over my own outfit as I trudged to the bagel bar. I heard her ordering her egg white healthy omelet as I slathered cream cheese across my onion bagel. Then I heard someone say her name and ask how her vacation was. "Oh we went to Belize.. it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g." I can instantly picture her perfect body (one I once had, not just a few weeks ago!), perfect cute bathing suit on some perfect beach with a perfect drink with a perfect umbrella in it. I instantly wanted to cry! STUPID HORMONES!!! The kicker? As we both left at the same time, I realize she sits right near Josh and walks by his desk every day with her perfect dress, perfect legs and perfect tan. Just perfect.

So I'm dragging my feet across the courtyard to my desk feeling awfully sorry for myself, as my stupid laptop bag slides off my shoulder and I almost drop the bagel I just slathered with 5 servings of cream cheese. I get up to my desk, throw the bag in my chair and rip it open to get my laptop out, and I stop. There in the front pocket was the note Kali made for me this weekend. A cut out heart, with her adorable 8 year old writing "You are the best Megan in the world". What am I doing.. am I really about to have a pity party because some random chick at my work has a tan and boots and got to go on a trip? So what. I have a family that loves me, that adores me, that leaves notes on my pillows. How did I get so lucky? There is no trip, no pair of boots, no tan in the world that could even come close to being worth what I have. This weekend Kali had her first softball game, and at one point in the game I went to the dug out to see how she was doing and she turned to me with the biggest grin and said "I love you!"

I sat down, got my lint roller I keep at my desk out, finished my pants, and smiled as I enjoyed my bagel, rubbed my Buddha belly, and hung Kali's note up on my desk. Screw Belize, this is way better!!!!

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