Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mr. Doggy

I am not ashamed to admit that I sleep with a stuffed animal. It's something that has comforted me since I was a small child. When I lived alone having my bunny I got for my 11th birthday tucked under my arm against my side provided comfort. Tease me all you want, I don't care! When Josh moved in, out of fear of embarrassment I tucked my dear bunny up into the girl's stuffed animal net, hopefully hiding him from the elements. So, a few months later when I was having a tough day and stalked down the hall to change out of my work clothes, I immediately smiled when I saw the cutest doggy stuffed animal sitting against my pillow with a card in his lap. It was from Josh, telling me to cheer up and that tomorrow would be a new day. That night, the stuffed animal was firmly wedged in my side bringing me back to that childhood comfort and all was right in the world.

Well, that lasted about a week before Josh started teasing me. First, he thought it was ridiculous that he didn't have a name. Now, I never named my previous stuffed animals so the extent of my creativity went to Mr. Doggy. Well this just sent Josh over the edge, you can't name a stuffed dog Mr. Doggy. Oh really? I think I just did! Well, ever since then, Josh has just had it out for the poor guy. If he gets into bed before me, I'll occasionally see Mr. Doggy go flying against the wall in the hallway while I stand there brushing my teeth. Sometimes I crawl into bed and realize he's not there and look around... here are some of the places I've found him:

- In the laundry basket

- Wedged between the top of the door and the door jam

- "Hung" by the neck in a small wreath near the bedroom door

If I put Mr. Doggy on the same side as Josh I can count on him grabbing him at some point in the night and throwing him across the room. Josh claims it's because Mr. Doggy "makes me sweaty". Hmmm, I'm beginning to think Josh is jealous of Mr. Doggy! What do you think? ;0)

And yes, I know I sound crazy, but it's a kooky kind of day - ride it out with me!

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