Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things that are just different...

So, it makes sense that there are things you can't do when you are pregnant. You can't drink, probably shouldn't go horseback riding, sky diving... stay away from sushi... those are some common things we all know. But there is a whole nother list of things you just don't think about. I'm not talking about stuff like lifting things - thats actually a pet peeve. I'm not stupid I'm not going to try to move couches or a bed on my own, butI can carry a bag of groceries.. I'm pregnant, not helpless! It's things that I always do that about 20 seconds in, I realize I can't that I get upset over.

A perfect example was that this weekend the girls finally decided to try out the roller skates Granny and Steve had gotten them for Christmas. Granny wanted to help Kali, so Kenzie and I set to work getting her set up with the oh so necessary knee, elbow and wrist pads. Then we waddled down the grass and she started off on the side walk. Where we had to pause, was when she lost her balance and depended on me to hold her up. Any other day, this would have been totally fine... but with my big belly and lack of any core muscles... my back immediately took the brunt. Holy moly that hurt - and more importantly, I was worried I wouldn't be able to really catch her if she fell. So we had to sit and wait for Kali to be tired so Granny could take Kenzie around. I was so frustrated sitting and watching. For the record - both girls did great, Kenzie fell 3 times but much to my delight, she laughed each time.

Another thing that makes perfect sense, but I had never really put that much thought into it, was my health during my pregnancy. Unless you are just one of those annoying people who actually remembers their vitamins every day... I was never like that. I would go through phases of taking them religiously for a week straight, then forgetting for a month. Right now? If I forget... I'll be laying in bed and gasp.. get up, go eat some crackers and take my prenatal vitamins before falling asleep. However, this weekend boasted a whole new problem. I got the stomach flu.. and not just a piddly stomach ache. I'm talking full on, laying on the bathroom floor, can't even keep an ice cube in me. Half way through the day and not having any food in me..it's overwhelming how worried I was about the little guy. But alas, he kicked my stomach (thanks bud, just what I needed) all day long, letting me know he was OK. However, where normally I would have bounced back and been back at work today...I'm still home. I feel so weak and exhausted. So I'm spending the day trying to rest, and eating the most nutrition packed stuff I can to get Jack and I back to normal.

So thats been my excitement. Before Josh and I both got the stomach flu (along with the rest of his family) we celebrated Mackenzie's birthday at the zoo - everyone had a blast!!!

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