Thursday, November 12, 2009

Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL???

Last year, I probably would have said ehhhh..... but I learned very early on when meeting Josh that if I wanted quality time with him on the weekends, I had better get interested in football. I've been acutely aware that once a week Josh's Dad calls for his "picks". Josh's Dad, Steve, works with Josh's Uncle, Joe. Joe gathers everyone's picks along with $5 and at the end of the weekend, whoever picked the most winning teams gets the pot, around $125! Not a bad deal. Last year I set out with a goal to understand the game of football. I really just did not get it. I think I drove Josh absolutely insane, asking what the different 'downs' meant. I must have asked about 10 times. But I FINALLY get it! I still ask questions about some of the rulings but Josh doesn't seem nearly as annoyed.

So about the 4th week into this season, I started to feel a bit over confident. While not submitting my picks to Joe, come on now, it's a bit early for that, I made my picks for Josh and Steve to see. The first week I hung my head in shame, I think I got 7 games wrong. But it didn't take long for me to start actually listening to the commentators, and following along with the Mark and Brian radio show when they spent all Monday morning talking about the games over the weekend. Little by little, whether Josh likes it or not, my picks are improving!

Last week was a bit busy, so Josh hadn't followed the games closely that weekend and assumed he was out of the running. Sunday night, we were casually watching the game between commercials of "I Survived..." (love that show) when Josh's cell rang. It was Steve letting him know that if Dallas won, that was it, Josh won the pot this week! I could almost physically see Josh's blood pressure rising. Trying not to jinx it, we peaked at the score every so often. When we were fairly certain that they had won, my faulty light bulb finally popped on. How did I do this week? Josh rolled his eyes, snickered, and dug my picks out of his pocket. Hoooollly crap.. whats this? We are tied!!! We both had the same pick for Monday night's game, so it came down to points.

In the even of a tie, Joe has each person pick a number that they think will be the total number of points scored on Monday night's game. Josh shot high, I shot low. He shook his head at me and said "amateur". All day Monday I talked some serious smack of how if I had really bet with Joe's betting a silly little girl would have knocked all these old men out of the running. I am proud to report that the final tally of points at the end of the game was 38. I'm proud because my "amateur" guesstimate was 41 while Josh's was 49!!!! HAHA, I WIN!!!!!!

Either way, its $115 (Josh involuntarily provided the entree fee for himself and Steve haha) in the Christmas shopping fund so I'm a happy camper. If I do well this week I'm placing a real bet next week!!

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