Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Here's a shocker: Teddy is stubborn!

So today we had our "detailed, full, complete" .. it's been called many things... ultrasound. This is where they check his anatomy and make sure everything is on track and there are no red flags. Abnormalities, slow development, club foot, cleft pallet, etc. I was so busy at work (yay!) that I didn't think to eat anything with some sugar in it just to make sure he was moving around. So big surprise, he was asleep, curled up in a cute little pint sized ball. Sigh, again! What a stubborn little punk. I'll jump ahead to tell you that the little snot did not 'wake up' and cooperate AT ALL. He essentially stayed in the same position the entire time.

It is amazing what these technicians are trained to see. She kept pausing the screen to show us different things. Some were obvious, and quite neat. The last ultrasound we had, his bones were still almost completely soft cartilage. In the past few weeks they have been hardening into bone. So while we could see his limbs before, we could actually see the bone, even fingers and toes!! But then she'd zoom way in and we'd completely loose sight of what she was looking for and all the sudden she'd say "oh there's a kidney" ooookie dokie, sounds good! Then of course, theres the weird alien baby stuff. She was trying to get a measurement of his head, and kept rotating around, so the image would kind of go away and appear, and when it first appeared, his face would look like 1 of two things. Either an alien with big round black eyes, or a skull head straight from the set of Pirates of the Caribbean! It's wacky!!!

Hands down the coolest part though, was when she was trying to get an image of his heart beating. While he never rolled over or changed positions, he kicked his legs a few times. So we were watching him on the screen move around, while at the same time, I could feel him kicking my stomach. It was such a weird sensation!!!!

And I should point out that as I sit here typing, my sleepy butthead is awake and kicking at the laptop. Just because he can. PUNK!!!

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