Monday, March 15, 2010

I heart daylight savings!

I have been looking forward to daylight savings for a few weeks now. I truly love it. Minus the first few days when it feels like you get no sleep. But that is worth it to me. There is something psychological, at least for me, about it being lighter, later. During the winter months, by 6pm I am shuttin' it on down for the night. Once it's dark my internal clock goes "GO TO BED!" Besides it annoying Josh that I can't stay awake through any movies, it leaves me feeling so lazy. I feel like I don't accomplish nearly as much as I should or could. A perfect example to prove this, is last night, the first day of day light savings we didn't eat dinner until close to 8pm because we were side tracked doing so many things outside, simply because we still could at that hour. It was GREAT!

I don't mean to use the lack of sun as an excuse for my laziness, I know full well I can still clean my room with a light on rather than depending on the sun. But seriously, I do think there is something some what psychological behind it, I refuse to believe I am THAT lazy. ;)

Another reason I am so stoked for the change is that Josh and I can start going walking after work again. It is my favorite time of day to get outside, get some fresh air and put the day's hassles behind me. Plus Rufus will love us even more for it, getting to go on regular walks again!

So Spring, I welcome you, and your warm, longer sunny days with open arms!!!! Hooray you are finally going to be here!!!

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