Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This and That

It's a combination of nothing too out of the ordinary happening lately, and a huge lack of sleep in my world that has lead me to be indecisive about what to blog about lately. Refusing to let the blog slip away into oblivion, I'll do what I do best. Ramble.

2 years ago, Kali played on a Newbury Park Girls Softball Team. Her experience consisted of twirling in the outfield picking flowers during innings and making friends. Which, at 6 years old, is the best thing you could hope for! But it wasn't shocking when she passed up signing up for the next year. Plus, there were lots of changes, right when the season ended, her mom moved, so it became tricky to figure out how we'd swing games and practices. So when she expressed interest a few months ago, we initially said, we'll see. We just weren't sure what we could get her signed up for. Typically the rule is, you don't go to practice, you don't go to games. So we got in touch with NPGS and explained the situation. They were so supportive of the situation, they found a team happy to let Kali just show up for games when she's here, and just like that, Kali became a team mate on the Blue Angels. She was SO EXCITED! So, very quickly, our Saturdays have become busy. We head out a little early to the game because the coach has offered to show up early and work with Kali (So cool!). The one rain cloud over this, is what it means for Mackenzie. She gets bored out of her skull sitting there every Saturday morning watching the girls play. In true Kenzie form, last weekend the girls on Kali's team were singing a cheer. When they finished Kenzie mumbled to herself "Thank God thats over"... we just about died.

So, once softball ends in early May, both girls have expressed interest in gymnastics, so we found a center that has classes on Saturdays, so BOTH girls can attend. Hopefully Kenzie will start to feel the love!!

In other news, I'm growing at a rapid pace these days and have the growing pains to prove it! I'm noticing that while I can still manage on my own, its a helluva lot easier to get up when Josh gives me a good heave.. (I can hear someone mooooooooooing at me somewhere). Teddy kicks on a regular basis, and it's still not strong enough to hurt so for that I am grateful. We scheduled our next doctor's appt for next week, when the girls are with us during Spring Break. They always ask if they can come along, so we were stoked to get an appt when they'd be with us during the week.

I think that brings you up to speed on my exciting world!! That's all for now...

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