Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Good Things

It's sooooooooooo easy right now to run off a list of all the things right now that make me cranky, uncomfortable or are just plain weird. But in getting caught up in that, I'm afraid I'm going to miss the awesome amazing cool things that happen too! So rather than tell you about the back aches, heartburn, and sleepless nights (I know I cheated and listed of a few) I'm gonna make you a list of the things I am so extremely grateful for. Some obvious, some funny, some selfish, but all real!

- How amazing it is to think we are bringing a life into this world
- Laying in bed at night while Josh and I watch my stomach move around and feel him kick
- Watching the girls faces the first time they felt him move and how excited they got
- Not realizing that this journey would bring Josh and I even closer together
- A free pass to eat as much ice cream as I want and not have one guilty thought about it
- How strangers are generally nicer to me than they need to be, offering to let me go first in line, or holding doors for me
- When people get excited and touch my belly - I thought this would bother me, but I actually really like it. When else in life are you going to get a reaction like that about your tummy being huge? I figure I can spend the rest of my life trying to disguise a tummy, why not let it be hugged and kissed now?
- When people tell me I'm all belly even though I know where else it's hiding ;)
- Watching Josh sneak yet another onsie into our shopping cart even though everyone under the sun has told him to stop buying clothes until after the shower
- Accepting help - it's hard to do this one... but its one point in my life where I really have toe appreciate the fact that I NEED to slow down and my family and loved ones want to help so I should accept it!
-When I drink a soda or eat candy I can literally feel it give the baby a sugar rush and it makes me laugh
-Hearing Lizzie's list of all the things she wants to teach her nephew how to do
-Picturing my Dad and Pattie as Grandpa and Nana
-Getting one summer off from stressin about being "bikini ready" and embracing the muumuus

I know there are tons more but I'll stop here for now! Thanks for sharing this amazing journey with me!

1 comment:

  1. So I just keep re-reading this list because it's so adorable and precious...seriously. I had no choice but to read it out loud to my mom and she loved it too. Oh, and on the other note you posted about someone making a twins comment, she said to tell you that when she was pregnant with my oldest brother, people randomly told her she had the largest pregnancy they'd ever seen, so she understands the comments thing. Anyway,I know you can't wait for Jack to arrive but it's so neat that you are enjoying these wonderful parts of your pregnancy (skipping the heartburn etc parts:) so much. Miss you friend!
