Monday, June 28, 2010

A Roller Coaster Weekend

I'm tired. It felt like we dealt with a lot this past week.... some little, some big.... a lot of emotions tied to it all!

First, this was the first week of summer, which meant the girls were with us. We also were able to squeeze in a few extra days with an extra weekend so they were here for 10 days. It was awesome. However, a totally new routine for us to adjust to. Luckily they were able to spend the days up with Grandma Tino, but it still proved tricky to wake them up and get them moving in time to get us to work. It wasn't anything a little extra planning couldn't take care of, but it was definitely a new routine for us! Add to that, Kali had to go to the dentist this week. Thinking it would only be a cleaning and assessment of more dental work we knew was lurking, we asked Granny (Josh's mom) if she wouldn't mind taking her as she'd be off of work. She agreed, and we were grateful, it's been hard getting so much work off for my appointments as it is. Well, Kali ended up needing two teeth pulled right then and there. Boy did we feel like schmucks then. The next hour at work waiting to get off and go see her were torture. I felt so terrible that one of us wasn't with her and it was so hard to be stuck at work! She's a trooper and did fine though.

In addition to that, I had my now weekly doctor's appointment. This was supposed to be my first appointment to check for dialation. I laid there on the table waiting for her to come in... day dreaming about all the things she could say.. my my my loookie here, you are further along than we thought! Those kinds of wishful thinkings. Well what I didn't expect to hear was that he had turned breech, something is blocking my birth canal (sorry if that's just a tad bit TMI for you... but you can just go ahead and get over that) and I might need to start preparing myself for the idea of a c-section. In the meantime I need to go get a detailed ultrasound to find out whats up. I walked out of the appointment dizzy from the 180 my thoughts just did. I walked to the car kind of confused, but reminded myself that I heard his heart beat, saw him on the monitor.. he's healthy and fine and if it were something she was urgently worried about, she wouldn't have sent me home. My appointment for the ultra sound is tomorrow.

So.... much to my relief, the weekend came. However, step outside of my world centered around us, and a huge event was happening this weekend. My oldest sister, Katie, was getting married! Her wedding was up where she lives, in the San Jose area. It had been up in the air on whether or not I'd be able to go, given the distance and how close I am to my due date. Unfortunately last week at my doctor's appointment, she just did not feel comfortable with me traveling so I was not able to go. I had thought I had prepared myself to come to terms with this, but the day of the wedding I found myself very sad to be missing what will arguably be one of the most memorable days of her life. What ended up being pretty cool, short of being there, of course... was my other sister Amy attended the wedding and took about a million pictures with her phone, and sent me everything with play by plays of what was going on in the moment. I sat there like a blubbering fool crying over how beautiful everything looked and how pretty my sister's dress was. I am so thankful for Amy sending me all of that.

I'm guessing what happened next was a combination of a little nesting kicking in... and my compulsive need to clean and feel in control when my emotions get to the best of me. Before I knew it, I was in Jack's room sorting, organizing, finding more things that I could justify needed to be washed. I had the vacuum out and was in every corner of Jack's room getting every crumb, spec of dust you name it picked up. It wasn't until I was half way thru vacuuming the blinds - which I can say I have never ever done in my life... that I realized maybe I needed to slow down and take it easy. Ahhh.. too late. I sat down and my back immediately screamed at me. So I tried to take it easy the rest of the night.

Well, no such luck. We went to bed around 11... which as you know really means I fell asleep on the couch around 9, and Josh woke me up at 11 so I could lean on him while he helped me make my way to bed around 11. At 12:30 I woke up thinking owwww..... I'm totally about to get my period. (again, sorry for TMI but you opened the blog, not me)... then about 20 seconds later my head went wait.. that's not right. Enter false labor. For the next 10 hours or so every 10 to 30 minutes I got to experience what I'm guessing was a "way milder than the real deal" contractions felt like. Mild or not, they woke me up everytime they started up again. By the time they stopped around 10am... everything in my body ached. So we spent Sunday doing our best to be as lazy as possible and succeeded.

Anyway, thats pretty much what our weekend was about. Nothing horrific or anything like that, just a lot of emotions coming out at once.

This week is my last week of work and for THAT I am grateful! I am so tired and ready to be home! I can't believe my teddy tracker shows 30 days to go. FINALLY!

Can I have a nap now?

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