Saturday, February 12, 2011

More Valentine's Decorations

In my defense, no I did not just do these 2 days before Valentine's Day.  We did these last weekend, I just haven't had a minute to pull pictures off my camera until now!

I have been wanting to make one of these banners since the very first day I discovered craft-blog land and fell in love.   The simpleness and kind of 'eh' -ness (even my sister said she only kinda liked it.. gotta love her honesty!) is another indicator of how not into Valentine's day I am. BUT as I said, it's not for me, its for the girls, and the gasps and awwww's I got made it totally worth doing.  So here is my nothing spectacular, but never-the-less, Valentine's banner. 

(We have the coolest huge fireplace, but I long for a mantle! This looks kinda random! lol)

I should note that the entire time I was slaving over trying to get the letters to look half way decent I was able to list off about 50 reasons to Josh as to why I need a cricut or silhouette.  He matched that with about 50 eye rolls. I'm breaking him down though, I can tell!!

I actually made the next project a few weekends ago.  I've seen different versions of these popping up in blogville... so I copied a few different variations.  I had this super duper cute red fabric on hand, and I got plant foam squares at the dollar store.  Wrap like a present, pin in place and you are good to go.  I don't have any stencils so I decided to just free-hand letters on.  The girls have had fun stacking them in different ways.  I'm tempted to make a bunch for every day decoration so they can spell out different things.  I didn't think they'd have such a good time messing with them! 

1 comment:

  1. Way to cute! Love this blog. Just found it today! Love, Aunt Stephanie
