Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Reality TV

What is it about reality TV that just sucks you in? There are some I just can't stand. I've never been a Bachelor fan, or Rock of Love or pretty much any of the trashy ones VH1 does. But the ones I love, I L-O-V-E.

Currently, my latest obsession is Big Brother. If its not bad enough that it's on 3 times a week, CBS gives the option to pay to view the live feeds 24/7. (in case you live under a rock, on BB, house guests are taped by like 1000 cameras 24/7 while having no interactions with anyone else or the outside world.. each week there are competitions, evictions, food contests and a ton of drama.) Relax, Josh and I don't subscribe. (But may or may not have done the free 14 day trial. I plead the 5th.)

However, if you have Showtime, for 3 hours EVERY night, you can watch the feeds. It's like a bad car accident... you just can't stop staring. Most of the time nothing exciting happens.. but one night we caught the fight of the century, which lead to the subsequent melt down and expulsion of one of the house guests. And...**squeal** we saw it uncensored. If there ever was one reality show I would want to try out for, BB would be the one. Maybe next year!

But what is it? The fact that we can relate to these guys? We'd all secretly DIE to be in their shoes? Who knows, but it sure makes for good TV...and Mark Burnett is probably the smartest man alive today... well at least one of the wealthiest I'm sure!

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