Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Let me start off by saying, I normally love rain. But it just has not stopped lately. Ok, I'm exaggerating again. It has stopped a few days here and there but just keeps coming back. Even though we are saturated beyond belief, there are parts I still really enjoy about it. Namely, being home when it hits. But that's not exactly realistic! The reality of the rain these days, is that it keeps hitting on Fridays, making drives to pick up the girls pure hell. It also seems to rain between the hours of 8-5, or 2am-6am, so I'm either at work or asleep when it hits.

This time frame also isn't beneficial for Rufus. When it rains during a work day, it means Rufus is confined to the kitchen. We have slowly been letting him have access to the entire house when we aren't home, but for an hour at a time max. I'm just not ready to trust him for an entire work day! The result in that, is he is beyond stir crazy at the end of the day. When we had the last big spout of rain that lasted for a few days, by the 3rd day he would just pace the living room and kitchen after we got home. I felt so bad!!

So today, I keep hearing the rain won't come until later today. It was semi-sunny before we went to work, so I took my chances and let him stay outside. Keep your fingers crossed that it holds off until I go home for lunch and get him set up inside! I don't want a wet, muddy shivering dog that we have to bathe tonight!!

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