Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You are all a bunch of drunks!!!

Ok maybe not. But get this. So I keep reading how pregnant chick's noses are way more sensitive. I haven't noticed that really... except a few weeks ago at work, I started kind of getting that "whoa..." feeling when someone would be near me and breathe. I would double take. Have they been drinking? I totally smell alcohol! Over the next few days I was just astounded at my revelation that like 70% of the Amgen work force were closet drunks!!

So after my dramatic conclusion settled in the dust I decided to be a bit more rational about it. I can actually thank my boss. She is a die hard very consistent hand sanitizer. Anytime she comes back from or goes to a mtg, I hear her bottle click open. She's very loyal about it. Well after she strolled by on her way to a mtg, I noticed that faint smell of alcohol, and knowing very well there is no way she is a closet alchy... it dawned on me. Amgen is HUGE about hand sanitizer right now. You can't look out from any given location and NOT see a bottle or I kid you not, an actual hand sanitizer station (at each bank of elevators, on each floor). So DUH... everyone around here uses it a lot! So rest assured, Amgen is not staying afloat due to a bunch of bloated alcoholics.

Phew, I was worried for a sec.

Btw, I would die for a margarita. Actually had a dream about it last night.

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