Thursday, October 1, 2009

Santa Anas and Annoying Neighbors

So the one thing I really don't like about Fall is the Santa Ana winds. Don't get me wrong, breezy days are signature for fall.. but these aren't "breezy days". These are immediate bad hair/dry cracked skin, horrible sinus pain days... and.. the most dreaded part is it brings back the heat!! nooooooo!!

Hopefully it will only last a few days. A thought that popped into my head while I was getting Rufus set up outside this morning, was oh gawd... I wonder how soon my annoying neighbor will complain. Allow me to shed a little light on this portion of our lives:

To the right of our home, resides "Ponytail Guy." I think his name is Scott... but.. for all intensive purposes, we've always called him PG. He thinks hes Fabio. He's tall, some muscle, leather skin tan, and one long blond pony tail that I would seek great victory in chopping off in his sleep. I sound mean right? Well if you know me, its probably because something pushed me to this point... and boy did they ever!

I think PG and his nasally wife (she makes Fran Drescher sound quiet) should count their lucky stars. I moved into my house when I was 18. I have NEVER had a loud party at my house. Do they realize the rarity in that? However, guess who does have loud annoying parties with their drunk wife yelling goodbye to everyone at 2am. Ya, PG. We've even gotten as far as speculating that they are swingers because they have gross old people parties in their hot tub that sounds sooo gross (hey, its on the side of the fence closest to our bedroom window, we can't help but over hear it!)

Of the nit picky things he's come by to gripe about over the years, the most ridiculous has been the palm tree branches. We have one of those prehistoric giant palm trees in our backyard, that is pretty close to the fence that separates our yards. My Dad has it trimmed every few years.. it's not "growing wild" or anything like that. However, when the wind blows, much like today with the Santa Anas, the giant leaves or branches fall (what a concept, right?) At any given time I can peek into the backyard during these days and see a tan leathery hand throwing branches over the fence into our yard. It's not tons... maybe like 5 for the whole year. Fine, whatever, if you seriously can't fit one branch into your yard waste bin, whatever, fling it over.

What pissed me off was the day he came by to tell me it was becoming an issue and I'd need to talk to my Dad about it. I wanted so bad to suggest something that might work a little better ... maybe a little prayer to the Wind Gods... "Dear Wind God, please make the wind blow to the East instead of the West because apparently my A-hole neighbor is the ONLY human being on the face of the Earth who has to deal with neighbors leaves". GIMME A BREAK!!!

LOL anyways.... if this is the only downer to Fall I will gladly take it. I'm more than happy to spend my time ignoring PG and his branches and enjoying all the perks Fall has!!

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